About Us

Bradley Stephen Perz
It is part of the Christian ethic to “give tithes” of 10% of total wages to the church. It seems that another way to contribute to God’s purposes is giving a percentage of our energy to those in need.
Most of us have extra clothes around. Or food in our pantry. Or a few extra supplies… a “surplus” which would be of most benefit to those most in need.
Many have realized this. However this page is dedicated to Bradley Stephen Perz, a dear friend of the community who was an ardent supporter of other people. In his free time, before his untimely passing (only in his mid twenties at the time) he would want to pass out extra food, clothing, extra to those less fortunate than him.
We, Abolish Homelessness, hope that Bradley Stephen Perz, and many others who have left a mark on our lives through their selfless service to others, can live on through this mission.