Abolish Homelessness is committed to making a dramatic improvement in the city of Philadelphia. We believe that each person deserves, at the very least, basic necessities- and we’re partnering with you in turning that belief into a reality.
It begins with bringing more awareness to the pressing issue of homelessness, and demonstrating ways to help.
Developing community, and teams committed to making a positive impact on those in need is our way of using the power of collective will to make a difference.
Infusing principles of faith and belief in the power of sovereignty of each individual allows hope to be shared through the community, and to those who need it the most.
Each person giving what they can to the cause creates a ripple effect on countless lives. At the moment, food clothing and supplies. Once a 501c3, monetary donations will be accepted as well.
Many in Philadelphia have little or no access to food, water, education, work or a means to survive. Earning a few dollars a day from panhandling, and the occasional item of food or clothing isn’t enough to make a substantial difference in their lives. We work directly with the homeless population in order to provide greater access to the resources to get them back on their feet.
You have the opportunity to impact the lives of individuals and families devastated by poverty.
It’s through your generosity that we create such powerful change.